
  • celebrate,  mom failure,  motherhood

    Our Invisible Measuring Stick

    Put down the measuring stick!   You know, the one you use to measure how you did today- as a mom, as a wife, as a friend, as a professional?   If you say you don’t have a measuring rod, I’m going to call your bluff. We all do!   It’s not written down. It’s not spoken aloud. But it is as real as the yardstick leaning in my corner.   By it we know if we passed or failed today or this week or with one of our children.   If there was no measuring stick, then why would you feel like you were failing?   I bet those…

  • celebrate,  encouragement,  father

    A Love Note for You, Daughter…

    A girl never outgrows her need for her dad. Even if she’s grown and married. Even when she’s a mom. Even when I’m old and grey (oh yeah, I am), I will still want my dad’s love and adoration. Are you still seeking the approval and love of your father? So many of us are. We want him to be proud of us, that we would achieve what would finally make us enough. I believe there’s a hole in each daughter’s heart that can only be filled by her daddy’s love. You may be spinning your wheels, striving and trying to get your dad to pay attention, and he never…

  • celebrate,  encouragement,  motherhood,  Parenting

    Celebrate Your Mom-Style!

    Dear Mama, If you’re like me, for right or wrong, I compare myself to other moms. A lot. Much of what I read is written by moms or to moms, and their stories give me cause for pause. They do daily devotions with their husband and kids? After dinner? (How do they keep those wild banshees at the table?…my kids barely sit to eat…) Photos by moms doing yoga with their little ones strapped to them or sitting on their stomach? What? How? (I go to work out simply to leave my children behind for an hour!) But here’s the real truth. The real deal. As a mom, I CANNOT…