• discipline,  encouragement

    Here’s what you need to feel better today…

    I have a suggestion for what you’re looking for. Oh, did I take you by surprise? I don’t know you, so how could I know? Because we’re all looking for it. We’ve tried all kinds of ideas.  What are we looking for? Fulfillment, satisfaction, happiness… am I on the right track? And if we can’t have those, then we’ll settle for a quick hit of dopamine. That’s at our fingertips, because our phones give us the ability to get attention, elicit a response from others, and get questions answered quickly, although not reliably. I can buy a new outfit, watch an entire series, and order dinner without moving from my…

  • celebrate,  encouragement,  motherhood,  Parenting

    Four Easy Ways to Treasure Motherhood

    I know it’s long past Advent, but there is this verse, subtly slipped into the end of the Christmas story which is stuck on repeat in my mind. You may have caught it when you did your Advent readings, or, like me the first time, it slipped past without notice. But it’s a good one, a gem, and it’s specifically written for and about a mother.  It’s Luke 2:51: But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. (This is Jesus’ mother, Mary, written about her experience of raising Jesus.) As we begin a new year, let’s take this verse and make it a goal for this year. Let’s…